First of all, I am NOT Milly or Becky, their personal friend, anyone from their family or have known them personally. This is a fan site. Also I won't give out any of their personal information if they haven't approved it themselves.
OWNER: Klaudia
COUNTRY: Croatia
ONLINE SINCE: May 21st 2009
CONTACT E-MAIL: millyandbeckyrossopagetl@hotmail.com
-FONTS: DaFont.
-PHOTO EDITING SOFTWARES: Photoshop CS5 extended, Photoscape.
-IMAGES: Google, Bing, Lycos, Twitter, Milly and Becky themselves etc (all copyright-protected images stay protected, such as Belga picture).
-STYLE IMAGES: brands' official websites, Google, eBay.com, Polyvore, etc.
-HOST: own-free-website.com
-Want to keep the site growing? Want to show your support to Milly and Becky? Then I accept any kind of a fan donation such as wallpapers, icons, fan art etc. NOT money. Send it by e-mail on
millyandbeckyrossopagetl@hotmail.com . I'll give you a full credit and others can see your work! Be creative!

Also special thanks to Brit (therossotwins.org) for giving a support since the beginning, for your nice words and great help you give!
That's what I wanna say. Thank you so much!